Happy Solstice!

A chaotic scene of the Festival of Lights in Kensington Market. Surrounded by various performers in costumes and animal masks and illuminated by both lanterns and magic, the three main characters, Maya (mid-20s, female, Tamil, wearing thick black glasses), Ian (late-40s male, white, very thin and in black-and-white), and Jonah (mid-40s, Métis, at the lead of the group urging the rest of them on) are moving through the crowd.

I’m sharing once again my favourite scene from Blight, which takes place at the Kensington Festival of Lights in Toronto.

“But this was what people always did, in the darkest season—huddle together for warmth and convince themselves that the dawn would come again.”

Dear friends, may you kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.

Art by Masivart on IG.

A bigger announcement is coming soon!